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Kalsi Carrot Juicer machines are the quickest way to get fresh, healthy juice from fruits and vegetables. Designed using the latest technology and engineered to perfection these Domestic Carrot Juicer are high on performance and require less energy to operate. Durability, anti-corrosives, reliability and long life service are the main attributes of these Domestic Carrot juicers

Technical Specifications
Capacity 4 Glasses
Material Aluminium Body , Stainless Steel Body
Dimension in Inches (L X W X H) 11X16X11
Motor Power 0.5 HP , 2880 RPM

Carrot Juice Machine Medium Kalsi

  • Product Code: CKK-JM-19
Kalsi Carrot Juicer machines are the quickest way to get fresh, healthy juice from fruits and vegetables. Designed using the latest technology and engineered to perfection these Domestic Carrot Juicer are high on performance and require less energy to operate. Durability, anti-corrosives, reliability and long life service are the main attributes of these Domestic Carrot juicers

Technical Specifications
Capacity 4 Glasses
Material Aluminium Body , Stainless Steel Body
Dimension in Inches (L X W X H) 11X16X11
Motor Power 0.5 HP , 2880 RPM

  • Brand: Kalsi
  • Viewed: 2243
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